PI Hoime page Pic Aug 28 2008 Aerial 037


A CSS based dropdown menu with advanced options such as mutli-columns.


Styled support for RokSprocket, RokAjaxSearch and K2 (3rd party).


Eight preset style variations to choose, each with configurable options.

Sustainable Solutions

Insert Page Header Pic: Sustainable Solutions July 20 2008

In our efforts to stabilize a river entrance and occupy a migrating & fragile dune system, we have fought natures processes, with little understanding and respect of them. Consequently we’ve disrupted sand migration & are the cause of the very erosion we are fighting. We now have an understanding of Nature’s processes, that we didn’t have 100 years ago. It’s not an inexpensive or easy problem to solve, but the dynamics can be made to work in our favor. If we finally accept the opportunity to work with nature’s processes, then maybe we can end our 100 year fight against them.

  • 1 pi point pi aug 28 2008 aerial 036
  • 10 aug 16 2008 036
  • 11 summer cover
  • 12 steve aug 16 2008 035
  • 13 peeka 2
  • 14 aug 16 2008 053
  • 15 center groin pi aerial hi tide aug 29 2008 002
  • 2 hans & evan pi july 15 2008 017
  • 3 shorebreak aug 16 2008 054
  • 4 merrimack river entrance pi aug 28 2008 aerial 034
  • 5 march 19 monster
  • 6 coast guard merr. river bar,bmc brent zado, 4,30,07
  • 7 jen sandy point rocks
  • 8 pi july 15 2008 138
  • 9 tidal marsh pi aug 28 2008 aerial 156
  • hans sunrise catch
  • Worst-Case-E-LI-Landfall-Oct-28